Do I need to see a proof before I OK my job?
Proofing can be a very important step in assuring 100% satisfaction with your job. Good proofing always starts with the designer and client. Before involving a printer, you want to be absolutely sure there are no grammatical, resolution, color or general pre-press errors. Depending on the printing process, those easily avoidable errors can be costly, even before the job is ran.
When you are printing with the traditional offset process, the majority of you cost is in the set up of the press. That's why it is essential to catch any errors before printing. We recommend utilizing our Epson 4880 Proofer to catch any resolution or potential color problems.
Digital printers are an excellent option for quick turn around time, and low cost. However, they do not produce the same results as a cutting edge offset press. Because there is no setup up process with digital printing, it is always a good idea to see a proof directly off of the digital press, to assure color and quality meet your standards.
Site Updated February 2010