Web press
Designed for large volume jobs of over 200,000 impressions, web presses use a continuous roll of paper. They tend to be difficult and expensive to set up, but are very fast once they are running.
The degree of boldness or thickness of a letter, font or paper. For paper, it's usually given in terms of grams per square meter.
An undesirable layout where the last line of a paragraph is carried over to the next column, or a single word carries over to the last line of a paragraph.
A finely textured paper with a cloth-like appearance and no visible wire marks, unlike laid paper.
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
(pronounced "wizzywig") A term used to describe systems that preview full pages on the screen with text and graphics. The final result can vary slightly because of differences in the resolution of the computer screen and the page printer.
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Site Updated February 2010