Proper set up now will save time and money later!
Brim Press accepts file formats from Adobe PDF, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Quark XPress, as well as Microsoft word and Publisher. Before releasing a project to go to print, there are a few things you want to make sure of before handing it off.
•Color Mode - Are all images and files CMYK, or B/W and tagged with the proper PMS colors if necessary?
•Resolution - Are images at or around 300dpi?
•Bleeds - Wherever color is supposed to go to the edge of the paper, you must pull the bleeds out 1/8".
•Safe Area- All font and critical elements not meant to be cut off during the bindery process must be placed 1/8" from art board edge.
•Score Marks - If your job is intended to fold, or be perforated you must add score marks on your file. The marks should be placed outside of the bleed, and tagged with the "registration" color. Consult our Folding Examples sheet to see where to properly place the marks.
•Trim Marks - If providing a .pdf, make sure the file contains trim (crop) marks to the appropriate size.
•Fonts - If you are providing a native file, or anything other than a Press Ready PDF, make sure you provide any fonts used along with the document. If you are positive that no changes will need to be made, simply save out a version with the fonts "converted to outlines" in order to avoid missing font problems.
•Images - If you are providing a native file, be sure to also include a links folder with any images used in you artwork
•Overprinting - Unless you are an experienced designer with a working knowledge when to use "overprinting", make sure that it is never checked on any of the objects in your files.

Site Updated February 2010