Pantone Matching System (PMS)
A popular color matching system used by the printing industry to print spot colors (colors that can be reproduced with only their own ink) but not for process colors, which need a combination of the four inks, CMYK. Each PMS color has its own name or number that helps you make sure that your colors are the same each time you print, even if your monitor displays a different color or if you change printing services.
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Adobe PDF files print cleanly and quickly, and anyone can share Adobe PDF files, regardless of their platform or software application.
Perfect Binding
Most often found in paperback books, this binding process uses glue to hold the pages in place. During this process, the left edge of each sheet is roughened, and then glue is applied. A cover is then placed over the pages, keeping everything in place.
The basic square unit of screen images. Screen images usually have 72 pixels per inch.
Printing plates are molds or cylinders used by the printing press to imprint materials with ink. They can be made in a variety of substances, ranging from metal to rubber or paper.
A type of high quality language developed by Adobe Systems to describe pages independent of their resolution. The current standard in the industry, it is widely supported by both hardware and software vendors.
A page of typeset copy to check for corrections.
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Site Updated February 2010